It can be very distressing if you have been accused of harassment or sexual misconduct. It’s important to be aware that Trinity Laban operates on a 'presumption of innocence' basis. This means that we will not make assumptions and will not consider a person who has been accused of harassment or sexual misconduct ‘at fault’ until the accusations has been fully and impartially investigated and that decision has been reached. All those involved in a complaint will be treated fairly and offered advice and support.
What happens when something is reported? 

When a report is made about a student or staff member, there are procedures that will be followed. The reporting party may wish to speak to an advisor to discuss their options for informal or formal resolution. 

If informal resolution is pursued then the reported person will be contacted by an appropriate manager, or tutor in the situation to try and resolve the matter. 

If the matter proceeds formally, the reported behaviour will be investigated under the relevant procedure as set out below:

A student reporting another student: Trinity Laban Student Disciplinary Procedures (H.3)
A student reporting a member of staff: Trinity Laban Student Complaint Procedures (H.1)
A student reporting a visitor: Trinity Laban Student Complaint Procedures (H.1)
A member of staff reporting a student: Trinity Laban Student Disciplinary Procedures (H.3)
A member of staff reporting a member of staff: Complaints/Grievance Procedure for Staff
A member of staff reporting a visitor: Complaints/Grievance Procedure for Staff
A visitor reporting a student: Trinity Laban Student Disciplinary Procedures (H.3)
A visitor reporting a member of staff: Commercial Complaints Procedure
A visitor reporting another visitor: Commercial Complaints Procedure

You should also be aware that depending on the allegations, the behaviours complained about may also constitute a criminal offence.

What to do if you have been accused?

You will be formally notified of the investigation by the member of staff who will be conducting it. You will be sent information about the allegations; evidence relating to the allegations; an invitation to an interview; and information about the support that can be offered to you.

If you are a student, we strongly recommend that you get in contact with the Student Services Team immediately if you are notified of an investigation into alleged behaviour. They are there to help support you throughout and after the procedures. They can be with you in the meeting and help you understand and respond to the allegations. You can also ask a trusted friend, member of staff or the Trinity Laban Students' Union to help you. Please note that you should not ask someone who is either involved in or witness to some of the allegations to be your support throughout the process.

If you are a member of staff, you will also be directed to sources of support. Your line manager may be able to assist you, if you are a member of a registered trade union such as UCU or UNISON, they can assist you. If you are unsure of what support is available to you, please contact Becci Pearson, People Services Advisor at for more information.

Students and staff who have been accused of harassment, or sexual misconduct may also ask for advice and guidance on procedural matters. If the investigation is being undertaken under the TL Student Disciplinary Procedures or the Trinity Laban Complaints Procedures, please contact the investigating officer. If it is being investigated under TL Staff Grievance Procedures, Becci Pearson, People Services Advisor at

What are precautionary actions?

In some cases, Trinity Laban will place precautionary actions on you for a period of time during the investigation. This will be done only on a risk assessed basis and is not an indication that the investigator has reached a decision as to the outcome of the allegations.

Examples of precautionary actions we have taken in the past:

  • Student A must not contact Student B directly or indirectly, including via social media
  • Student A is excluded from McMillan Halls

Precautionary Actions are reviewed regularly to make sure they are still relevant and students may appeal a precautionary action or ask for an earlier review if they feel circumstances have changed substantially.

During the investigation

You will be asked to an interview with the investigating officer. During the interview you can expect to receive the following:

1) Questions relating to the allegations
2) An opportunity to provide your own evidence
3) An opportunity to make your own statements about the allegations and relevant matters
4) An opportunity to state that you believe specific witnesses should be interviewed by the investigating officer
5) An opportunity to ask questions about the investigation
6) Information about next steps in the investigation

After the investigation

You will be informed of the outcome of the investigation stage; be provided with reasons for any decisions made. You will also be informed of any next steps and your rights to appeal or request a review of any decision made.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened